Monday, March 14, 2011



Here we are, at the edge of borderline
another step will became another leap of our life
as we stood here on the line,
look back for where we started,
take a deep breath and close ours eyes,
embrace the moment we share together,
the laugh and tear together
and look where we are now

As we look back, we saw our reflection
the first day we met,
the first class we attend,
the first time we introduce to ourselves
yet it still look like yesterday,
but finally,
we come to the end,

this is the journey we had
we know it will not last forever
and all of the time we had
we knew this the best time of our lives

Soon the door will close forever,
better pick up what left for us,
and through all this year
we dream for this moments
but as it lay on us
we stall for a moments

As we look back, we saw what we are made of
from boy to men
from ignorant to wise
from nothing to some thing
yet we still are learning,
till then
we are nothing

this the journey we had
it may not last forever
but in our heart it will
cause this is the best of our times

look ahead and see what install for us
another journey that await for us
until we meet again
my friend

this is the journey i had
i know it last forever
cause everytime in mind
i think of you guys in my head....

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