Thursday, April 22, 2010

Interview within self

Is been awhile i write anything on this blog
i have someone to listen and talk to
yes, big different even though sometime she pretend to listen but she is not ( coz she made this face when she are not listening)
still trying to have few word to fill the missing pieces of the songs

couple of week ago
my friend past away
she involve in accident (hit and run)
damn that guy(he or she)
u kill an innocent girl
she just celebrate his birthday on 6th April
she just 20 years old
i felt guilty not treat her anything on her bufday
(cause we were shooting mandarin that day)
the guiltiness inside of me
she even ask me to fetch her up at tesco in the following day
poor girls
God is the best director of all times
she past away on 11th April
the next day on mandarin class
laoshi show us the video of us
when the part of her shows up
i can felt the gloom in the class
so tragic
so sad
even our friend let laoshi know by speaking mandarin
(yeah, that dude are really good, nope awesome)
so now
everyone move on
what make me sad is
she openly talk bout her
she just broke up with her bf
on 13th mac (she let me know)
and that doocebag says he want to be good or watever
and the next two day he find some whore opps i mean girl
she really stress out and even after that
she still wait for him
poor dude
i dont know what your feeing but it must be suck to be u now

anything else?
just prepare for final even not in the mood to study at all

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