Thursday, April 22, 2010

I pass away

My friend
how are you
you look skinny since we met
hello there
is nice to met you again
could this be your chance
to have a drink with him

Do you remember
how she were
the smile that light the class
the joke that we shared
and dont forget
the thing you and her had

Sadly time was short
a candle light blew away
life was short
you pass away

Hey you
you remember me
how chubby i used to be
oh hai
i glad to see you again
can be this is the chance
do have dinner with him

Can you remember
how was i
the smile that light the class
how you joke bout me
and also
the thing you and I

My life is short
as i blew away
time cut short
i pass away

how it feel like
to be alive
to get married and have kid
to grow old
and see our children grow

My life is short
as i fly away
the journey stop
when my heart stop

In memory of Noremma Nadia (1990-2010)

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