Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hold on

stare to the wall in front of me,
thinking all sort of thing
but it seem nothing
that can escape this feeling
put your shoes in front of me
and lend me a pair to tell me
how world surround me

let light shine me,
shall it lead to paradise once promises
or another hollow place once visit
tell me what remind me
the men inside your heart,
the men you love
the men you cherish

crush my heart,
as my world crash,
surrender to pain and sadness
dark my life once bright
fill the river of tear once more
restore the kingdom of remorse once again

where is the place we use to sat
laugh and smile all day long
where is this place
our dream
our destiny
our future

no matter the ride was
no matter how tough it has been
we stood by for what we believe
but like sand wash by the sea
it disappear quickly
and there nothing left but hope

hold on
hold on
is this enough
hold on
hold on
am i dying now
hold on
hold on
is be tough
hold on
hold on
am i dead now

a cross the road
there is place once i knew
paradise i once in
but like a stranger it seem
i let myself be
drown in this feeling
so now wake up
wake up from this dream
my eternal glory


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

"Sp♥de" said...

hai hapi

thank for stopping by

hmm.. what assignment ? what detail i need to provide u ?