Monday, November 1, 2010


The title...
Sometime we fear something,
we fear different thing
Different occasion,
How bout losing someone u love,
someone that always been there for you since you were born
The 2nd person that hold you in her arm,
hold you tight and never let you go,
It seem forever to remind me of that history
Losing you,
The woman in my live,
how could i live without you,
can i live without you,
What live it meant when you were gone,
will i ever lift the expectation you had,
did i grow out as you plan or am i a total failure
Yes, Im fear losing you,
losing the birth of my life,
for you mom,
i try my hardest till the day im losing you...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cinta abadi

Di sini aku mencari
cinta yang abadi
Di sini aku terus berdiri
menanti kau hadir

Di sana engkau pun menangis
mencari cinta yang abadi
Di sana engkau pun berlari
terus meninggalkan ku sepi

harus kah aku hadapi
semua ini
berikan aku harapan
untuk ini
semoga ku temui
cinta yang abadi

Dengar lah wahai bidadari ku
ku tulis ini pada mu
Agar kau memahami
hati dan perasan ku
Dengar lah wahai sayang ku
Cinta ku hanya untuk mu
ini lah yang ku alami
sepanjang hari ku

Di sini aku pun berdiri
mencari cinta yang abadi
Tak usah kau berpaling
dari cinta yang abadi

Pulanglah kepadanya
cinta yang kau cari
Semoga kau jumpa
apa yang kau cari

haruskah aku hadapi
semua ini
berikan aku masa
untuk ini
agar cinta ku temui

ulang *

Di sini ku berdiri
menanti cinta abadi
di sini pun kau pergi
dari cinta abadi....

Monday, September 20, 2010

The one that gone away...

This must be stupid
but here we go

1. Nurul Izzati
2. Nurul Nadia Idayu
3. Roslinda
4. Arfah
5. Siti Hafawatinah
6. Sarah
7. Ayuni
8. Nina
9. some gurl at klang
10. Ratna Liza
11. Zarida
12. Mira
13. Michelle
14. Fatin Syazana
15. Siti Nurafidah
16. Maisarah

*the name base on who i met according to time and did approach....

A year after...

Is been a year after
since that accident...
the promises
the dream
the hope and far
but now
seem so far away

wonder if thing have gone another way
could be better ?
could be worst ?
could it be happier ?
or could it be miserable ?

there is one poem bout this
the road not taken
one of my favourite
coz the author take the least option
and he succeed
am i bold enough to act as his?

this is the turning point of last year
this the moment where my dream shatter
did i make the mistake ?
did u make make the mistake ?
did we make the mistake ?
the answer remain unknow
only HE knew

am i regret ?
am i depress ?
could be...
but maybe this is the best part...
we learn from mistake
we can see the future
but we can see the past

yet now...
i remember all the little thing we used to do
suddenly remind me how we used to...
but the memory drain me in pain
am i not good enough ?
am i not up to it ?
could i make a wrong judgement..?

a year after
seem like yesterday
i remember it today
the day it gone away...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If i could....

Where did we come from,
Why are we here?
Where do we go when we grad?
What lies beyond
And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?

They say, "Degree is too short,"
"The here and the now"
And "You're only given one shot"
But could there be more,
Have I learn before,
Or could this be all that we've got?

If we grad tomorrow
we'd be all right
Because we believe
That after we're gone
The friendship carries on

we used to be frightened of FAR 400
we used to think that was the end
But that was before
we not scared anymore
we know that we will excel

we may never find all the answers
we may never understand why
we may never prove
What we know to be true
But we know that we still have to try

If we grad tomorrow
we'd be all right
Because we believe
That after we're gone
The friendship carries on

"Move on, be brave
Don't weep at UiTM
Because you no longer here
But please never let
Your memory of us disappear"

Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
Our questioning mind
Has helped us to find
The meaning in our life again
Our friendship is real
We finally feel
At peace with our dreams
And now that we all here
It's perfectly clear
We found out what all of this means

If we grad tomorrow
we'd be all right
Because we believe
That after we're gone
The friendship carries on

P/S: it is originally from the songs "the spirit carries on" but i alter a little bit to suit it as a songs fot graduation day where you sings with your fellow friend to your lecturer/teacher/who ever

"in a room of gloom"

is it a trend,
is it a disease.

why people so breakable
why people so depend on people
why cant their just be themselves
why their have to follow others

fill in my shoes
fit on my shoes

Are you a dreamer
or just a believer
Are you in grudge
or just repentance

When i look back
all the glorious day that we had
it just felt stupid to see
that this is what we had

Out of my head

is been awhile
since i wrote here.
is been awhile,
since i let my feeling fill this page,
is been awhile
is been awhile

thousand to say
thousand to tell
thousand to use
we speechless
we numb
we stop

Is it a waste of time
is it the end
could be

but nevertheless
it still remain here
and not planning to quit either

so let hope this
is still here

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

out of nowhere

love to company me,
is the form of exercise i do often
consuming in the heart
rest in peace

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nothing... nothing at all

it came
it happen
it fulfil
it is real

leave the past
head to future
memory of present

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Songs in my head rite now..

Last Night on Earth

I text a postcard, sent to you
Did it go through?
Sending all my love to you.
You are the moonlight of my life every night
Giving all my love to you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you.

With every breath that I am worth
Here on earth
I'm sending all my love to you.
So if you dare to second guess
you can rest assured
That all my love's for you

My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you.

My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
Did I ever make it through?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Is this different ?

Muah !
Muah muah muah muah !

Sunday, April 25, 2010


New layout
New title
New ambition

thanks to
not Boy Friend
(i am not GAY!!!)


Semangat baru
Perjuangan yang satu
Dan matlamat hidupku
Hanya untukmu

Tapi keadaanmu
Berikan aku
Berikan aku satu petanda
Aku kalah

Rasa resah jangan kau percaya
Dalam hatimu.. (dalam hatimu)
Rasa resah jangan kau percaya
Kata hatimu.. (kata hatimu)

Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..

Persepsi diri
Ada maksud sendiri
Dan propaganda ku rasa
Luar biasa

Tapi keadaanmu
Berikan aku
Berikan aku satu petanda
Aku kalah lagi

Rasa resah jangan kau percaya
Dalam hatimu.. (dalam hatimu)
Rasa resah jangan kau percaya
Kata hatimu.. (kata hatimu)

Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..


Rasa resah jangan kau percaya
Dalam hatimu.. (dalam hatimu)
Rasa resah jangan kau percaya
Kata hatimu

Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..
Wooo.. wooo..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I pass away

My friend
how are you
you look skinny since we met
hello there
is nice to met you again
could this be your chance
to have a drink with him

Do you remember
how she were
the smile that light the class
the joke that we shared
and dont forget
the thing you and her had

Sadly time was short
a candle light blew away
life was short
you pass away

Hey you
you remember me
how chubby i used to be
oh hai
i glad to see you again
can be this is the chance
do have dinner with him

Can you remember
how was i
the smile that light the class
how you joke bout me
and also
the thing you and I

My life is short
as i blew away
time cut short
i pass away

how it feel like
to be alive
to get married and have kid
to grow old
and see our children grow

My life is short
as i fly away
the journey stop
when my heart stop

In memory of Noremma Nadia (1990-2010)

Interview within self

Is been awhile i write anything on this blog
i have someone to listen and talk to
yes, big different even though sometime she pretend to listen but she is not ( coz she made this face when she are not listening)
still trying to have few word to fill the missing pieces of the songs

couple of week ago
my friend past away
she involve in accident (hit and run)
damn that guy(he or she)
u kill an innocent girl
she just celebrate his birthday on 6th April
she just 20 years old
i felt guilty not treat her anything on her bufday
(cause we were shooting mandarin that day)
the guiltiness inside of me
she even ask me to fetch her up at tesco in the following day
poor girls
God is the best director of all times
she past away on 11th April
the next day on mandarin class
laoshi show us the video of us
when the part of her shows up
i can felt the gloom in the class
so tragic
so sad
even our friend let laoshi know by speaking mandarin
(yeah, that dude are really good, nope awesome)
so now
everyone move on
what make me sad is
she openly talk bout her
she just broke up with her bf
on 13th mac (she let me know)
and that doocebag says he want to be good or watever
and the next two day he find some whore opps i mean girl
she really stress out and even after that
she still wait for him
poor dude
i dont know what your feeing but it must be suck to be u now

anything else?
just prepare for final even not in the mood to study at all

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Take Away

Hey look,
Is time to say goodbye
we had fun
we had tear,
but time is running out,
and you have to go

Thanks for the day we had
i'll cherish the moment we had,
thanks for everything
thanks for any thing

Do you feel better
do you feel glad
do you feel even happier
coz i am

Take your minion with you,
take all the click you need,
let them cheer you up,
let them serenade you,

Good bye
sail across the sea
leave this place with peace and harmony
nobody tear while you away
coz nobody likes you
we deserve better than you,
so now you far away
everyone happily move away
from the sadness u left behind

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hold on

stare to the wall in front of me,
thinking all sort of thing
but it seem nothing
that can escape this feeling
put your shoes in front of me
and lend me a pair to tell me
how world surround me

let light shine me,
shall it lead to paradise once promises
or another hollow place once visit
tell me what remind me
the men inside your heart,
the men you love
the men you cherish

crush my heart,
as my world crash,
surrender to pain and sadness
dark my life once bright
fill the river of tear once more
restore the kingdom of remorse once again

where is the place we use to sat
laugh and smile all day long
where is this place
our dream
our destiny
our future

no matter the ride was
no matter how tough it has been
we stood by for what we believe
but like sand wash by the sea
it disappear quickly
and there nothing left but hope

hold on
hold on
is this enough
hold on
hold on
am i dying now
hold on
hold on
is be tough
hold on
hold on
am i dead now

a cross the road
there is place once i knew
paradise i once in
but like a stranger it seem
i let myself be
drown in this feeling
so now wake up
wake up from this dream
my eternal glory

Sunday, March 14, 2010

It is me

It is me,
because im the source of this,
i am the problem,
i am the disease
i am the agony
my wrath upon u are mine to responsible,
pain and misery
tear and headache
flu and mumble
all comes to you,
yet again
a lost myself to the path once before
the path i hate most
without effort
i fail with flying colour
without guide
i destroy what i treasure most,
i am not perfect nor noble person,
my faith are yet to question it self
but why am i deserve someone like you,
there is no other way i let my self this kind of love
there is no more hate that i felt before,
there is time to forgive and forgiven
and all hope are lost,
drown in lake of despair and depress
sail me a boat of hope,
a long the journey
teach me some way
or somehow
to be what you want me to be
cause all i touch is becoming the gold midas
nothing is useful,
nothing is remember
and nothing to carry on
like a rose that bloom in month of may,
wither by the month of november,
could our love be like that
love by a season
is that what i am looking for,
i want a lifetime
i want to cherish as long as i can
but yet again
it is me,
it is me

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

There was a time

There was a time,
I held you so high,
there was a time,
you are my idol,
there was a time,
i want to be you,

But everything change,
you broke your promises
you lie to us,
you did not care bout me,

*(oh) How everything change,
since you far away,
there no place to run away,
so let us fade away,
rather than cast away,

Could thing be change,
could life be better or worst,
Is it real or fantasy,
Is it just me or you,

Can we undo time,
and rewrite what mistake we done,
because we out of time,
and everything is set and done


the tear and hug we share,
memory that we share,
the pain and agony we share,
that last forever in our heart

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tear that shatter the heart

Hold on
as i about to leave
stare at the lovely smile of your
why can this last forever
why it has to be end
dont leave me here all alone
by the time i need you the most

hold on
with this hand of your
i need your strength to carry me on
beyond this wall
is the place where you belong
with me

*Is there no other way
to make you come again
since you far away
im lost all over again

**Now you here in my arm
it feel like the world is mine
peace and harmony
all over the place
perfection some might call
that how you change my life

hold on
the ride is about to come
pack your back is time to say good bye
the journey we had was a blast
i hope soon the day will come
to stay with you forever
but now is the end
as i let you go
the tear shatter the heart
i knew it was only for moment
but the feeling is killing me

repeat * and **

Stare at the window
with eyes watching you
shut the door and pain fade away
where memory and word disappear

Kata kata

Telah ku cari apa yang ku cari
telah ku puas akan segalanya
tak mungkin lagi ko berpaling
akan semuanya tertulis untuk ku

Burung berkicau keriangan
angin bertiup menyusuk kalbu
Indah nya hari bagaikan di syurga
ku ingin terus di samping mu

Siulan bermulanya cerita
antara adam dan hawa
yang tertulis bukan rekaan
yang di cerita semua dongeng

Antara kaca atau delima
minyak disanjung tidak terhingga
harapkan bulan pulang ke riba
tapi yang pulang hanya kaca

sekian lama bercerita
cerita yang tiada tanya
moga kata tidak kecewa
pulang lah ia ke asalnya

You like, I like it more

The is no word that can describe my feeling every time I see this lovely picture of us,
I miss you so much sayang !!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Love is like a hurricane

there is no word to describe this feeling,
it is an unnamed feeling
this particular week,
has been outstanding,
all start from 9.05 am on Friday till 7.10 pm on Sunday
you complete me dear
you make me cry when you walk on the train,
im gonna miss this time,
the time when you are here with me,
all the memory and event that we been through this week
is just take my heart away,
i really lost word to tell you how i felt,
but i know you are happy.
thanks for coming here all the way from arau,
thanks for the sacrifice you made,
hope it really pays off
by all sincere in my heart is,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I ♥ U

See the sky above there
As I smile watching our behaviour
There is always story behind it
That lead to argument

All I want is to be happy
For both of us being in love
Good and bad about me
Accept me for who I am

Just make sure between you and me
There is no other love
Never cross mind
My intention to walk away

I am sorry my love
If you are not happy
How high is sky above
I will pursuit for your happiness

Let sky and earth crumble
Let our body buried under
Never let u go and still together
Loving you make me like this

P.S: I ♥ U

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

To write or to fall ???

time to update a liitle bit,
Prime minister are attending
to my campus
im not teling how excited i am because
i want to tell,
how hypocrite is the people is,
why i am saying that,
in less than 3 days
everything is new at KBM
from tiles to tar
for the sake of HIM
we got everything new
we even got the new signboard
why before this
they never bother or care less about the surrounding at KBM
what a hypocrite this is,
all for the sake of one men,
hope to shake hand with him and new VC,
Abu Shah i already shake,
now is Sahul time,
the blog are not update as occasionly like it use to be,
since i found my happyness with her,
i always share with her
so this blog sometimes meaningless
but still
i need something to write ??
need material,
sound on my mind
at this is for you

Drama King
Meet Uncle Hussain feat Black
Kali pertama aku mengenalimu
Mahu bersama
Raut wajahmu bersih
Meyakinkan hati ini
Aku terpaut

Semua dusta palsu
Aku tertipu
Berubah menurut nafsu

Panggilanmu gelaranmu
Baru ku tahu

Lakon layarmu hebat
Terpukau ku melihat
Isi hati mu tahan
Sampai bila
Kau mahu tersesat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh muslihat

Mahkotamu Raja Drama

Kau Masih berpura-pura
Kata-katamu hanya propaganda
Mengejar hijau ungu
Mata kelabu
Ini bukan kau yg pernah ku kenal dulu

Panggilanmu gelaranmu
Baruku tahu

Kau bertakhta
Bagai maharaja di angkat sembah
Lakon layarmu yg terhebat
Memukau mata melihat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Sampai bila Raja Drama
Sampai bila Raja Drama

Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Sampai bila Raja Drama
Sampai bila Raja Drama
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat

Sunday, January 31, 2010


do you know that the project of school of gifted student
are costing us rm 100 million per year...

do you also
there is book about mahathir
that says he miss use the government money
around rm 100 billion

so what is the point i am saying here


go figure it out

see the dark side of the moon...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


tak ingin ku duga,
destinasi yang mu tuju,
tak usah berpaling,
bawa diri dengan impian mu,

kau selalu di hati ku
tapi sayang tak ke mana,
musnah dan hampa diri ku,
tak kisah kau ke mana,

berpura pura lagi,
ku tahu kau rindu pada ku,
ku bukan dulu lagi,
boneka yang kau puja,

kau selalu di hati ku,
tapi sayang tak ke mana,
musnah dan hampa diri ku
tak kisah kau ke mana

terbang la bidadari ku
bawa lah cinta ku pergi,
hingap la pada yang sudi,
kerna ku ingin mu pergi,

kau tiada di hati ku
dan sayang entah ke mana
lega dan tenang diri ku
hilang kau ke mana

Yearning for you

"the night"

every time in the night,
she was there for me,
i never felt like she can make me miss her
but to be honest,
she did
i love the way she say to me
how she miss me,
how badly she want to see me,
it make me appreciate what i have
before this,
i pursuit for someone that i dont deserve,
and yet
i still wait for her,
now i found happiness with this person,
i really2 hope she felt same way as i do
both of us just came through a bad relationship
who knew we could fall in love,
the probability of us met are very low,
i met her at debate tournament
while im not a debater,
weird right ?

"the dust"

some people says
we are so fast to felt in love,
is something new for us
we like each other very much
some how
we just keep perfecting each other
i got good and bad habit
so does she
but we manage to find a same ground to compromise each other
so far,
so good,
im happy with you sayang
even you far from my eyes
yet you still close to me in my heart,
through dark and light
i hope we can manage this relationship
really2 hope to see you,
and pray we be happily ever after
from here now and ever

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

To you...yes know is you!!!

Maybe You're Gone

Thought you were an angel
Shining in the clouds
Thought you were so
Now I have my

Maybe you're gone
You're gone
To sleep
Maybe you're gone
You're gone
For keeps

Thought you were my
best friend
At least I
tried to make it true
But though I hate to be alone
I was
the loneliest with you

Maybe you're love
Is gone
To sleep
Maybe my love
Is gone
To deep

I'll never know
So never mind
out of sight
Well at least you're
out of mind

Maybe our love
Is gone
To sleep
Maybe our love
Is gone
For keeps

Sunday, January 17, 2010


More than i imagine
Are you for real
Is this fantasy
So can it last forever
All i wish this could be true
Right now is you I been craving for
And hope you will feel the same way as I do
How can this be so real

May god bless us
And carry trough this journey
Young and naive we are
All is written to us
Don't wish it will be a smooth ride
In the end you belong to me